Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday Morning Weigh-In

I finished up week 1 with a 4.5 pound loss. I would be thrilled over that, but these are the same 5 pounds I've been losing and gaining for the last six months. I'm enjoying my food and feeling great. I am missing some of my sweets, but not a physical craving by any means. Will update at the end of this week with a final weight and measurement changes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Val I have several sites for SB for you.

One is from a person that was on the old Prevention South Beach forums called Flagirl. Her site is no longer active but I have the recipes if you want them.

Miz Frog, scroll down to the bottom for the recipes:

A Forum which I don't know if still active since I don't use it anymore:

Hungry Girl Online Resources, I get emails frequently from her with new products, healthy switch outs for popular items such as lattes, and other recipes (not strictly SB but good stuff you can still use):

Roni who is a WW but still has stuff you can use for SB and she has videos showing you her making it!

Hope these help and please feel free to pass on to BLDS if you are still part of it.
